Della Judd Coaching
I’m a business consultant and coach – compassionate and caring as well as challenging, helping business owners, leadership teams and senior professionals navigate the changing world of work.
Coaching Leadership teams – supporting senior teams to work better together / developing leaders of the future
Supporting people with burnout – helping them to return to work
Helping leavers to leave well – bespoke outplacement for senior redundancies / retirements
Coaching maternity returners to navigate their way back to work successfully. Improving retention rates
Helping people get the job they really want – career coaching with a difference. My new book ‘Get the Job you Really Want…in a post pandemic world’ is out in May 2022.
Advocate for hybrid / flexible working and human leadership
My bespoke coaching and training programs help teams and individuals to be their best selves, which is ultimately good for business!
Reduced sickness
Improved productivity
Higher engagement
Improved company culture
Happier, more engaged people
Improved confidence
Greater staff retention
Creating high performing teams